Call for Exhibitions

As part of the 9th edition of the APA Congress, which will take place in Viana do Castelo in July 2025, the Portuguese Anthropology Association - in partnership with the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo - welcomes proposals for artistic exhibitions that dialogue with the anthropological view of the contemporary world.

The focus is on curation and creation through the visual, sound or performing arts, not necessarily as a central part of research, but following approaches that go beyond traditional anthropological methods, expanding the possibilities of how knowledge is shared and reflected upon.

As such, this call is intended to publicise, during the days of the congress, artistic projects framed within an exhibition proposal that is related in its contents, methods, languages or inspirations to anthropology as a discipline or to ethnography as a research method.

  • Information on logistical aspects:

    The APA and IPVC will provide exhibition space, institutional hosting and publicising the exhibitions in the congress materials ( on paper and online), and there will be no monetary prizes or co-funding for the exhibitions.

    All costs related to materials, transport and setting up in the room/space that APA and IPVC allocate to accepted proposals will be covered by the proposers. Proposers of an exhibition are not required to pay a registration fee, unless they are participating in the congress in another way (author or co-author of a paper or workshop, coordinator, debater or moderator of a panel).

    The exhibitions will be on display in the rooms and/or atriums of the IPVC School of Management and Technology during the days of the 9th APA Congress. The dates for setting up and dismantling the exhibitions should be close to the dates of the event and will be agreed between the selected applicants and the congress organisers.

  • Rules for the submission of proposals:

    Exhibition proposals must be submitted using the submission form. Each proposal must respond to the following fields on the form:

    - Name and institutional affiliation of the proposer(s)
    - Email adress(es)
    - Exhibition title
    - Synopsis of the exhibition project (maximum 300 words)
    - 3 digital images (maximum) related to your proposal
    - Biographical paragraph about the artist(s) (maximum 100 words)
    - Technical information about the exhibition project (maximum 300 words, explaining the area required, the size of the objects, technical equipment, etc.)

    Proposals can be written in Portuguese (PT), Spanish (ES) or English (EN) and will be evaluated by the Congress Organising Committee.

    A certificate will be awarded at the end of the congress.

    The selected artists or exhibition organisers will be contacted in a timely manner by the congress secretariat to set up a user account on the event platform.

  • General congress deadlines:

    Call for Exhibitions and Workshops

    30/12/2024 to 10/02/2025 (Monday)

    Evaluation of proposals by the Organising Committee
    11/02/2025 to 28/02/2025 (Friday)

    Announcement of the list of accepted Exhibitions and Workshops
    Until 03/03/2025 (Monday)

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