Call for Papers (Closed)

The submission period for papers proposals to be integrated into the approved panels of the 9th Congress of the Portuguese Anthropological Association (APA) is now open until January 23, 2025. The Congress will take place from July 14 to 18, 2025, at the School of Science and Technology of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo.


Submission of Proposals: Until January 23, 2025
Evaluation of Proposals by Panel Coordinators: Until January 31, 2025
Results and Accepted Communications Announced: By February 10, 2025


1| To submit a communication proposal to the congress, it is necessary to consult the list of approved panels and identify the most appropriate panel for your proposal.

2| Next, you should access the congress platform and either create a user account or use the login credentials from the previous edition.

3| Navigate to "Abstracts" > "Abstracts" on the left side menu of your personal area.

4| Click "Add Communication" and complete all the fields.

5| In the first field, labeled "Painel // Panel", select your panel by scrolling through the list or searching by the panel number (PXXX) or any keyword in the title. Confirm the panel's presentation mode (online or in-person).

Note: Proposals submitted via email will not be accepted.


- Each participant may submit only one communication proposal.

- Communication proposals must include the following information: the name(s) of the autor(s), institutional affiliation, and email address; title; abstract (max. 200 words); and 3-4 keywords.

- Proposals may be written in Portuguese (PT), Spanish (ES), or English (EN).

- Avoid including bibliographic references in the abstract.

- For proposals with multiple authors, one must be designated as the presenter by selecting the appropriate field in the form.


- Communication proposals will be evaluated directly by the panel coordinators through the Congress platform.

- Panel coordinators must ensure that the proposals meet all requirements (title, abstract, keywords, institutional affiliation, and contact details).

- The final list of approved communications will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and published on the Congress website.

Panel Coordinators' Responsibilities:

- During the proposal review period (from January 23-31, 2025), the panel coordinators must evaluate all submitted abstracts to the panel they coordinate on the platform, ensuring compliance with the guidelines.

- When selecting proposals, they must consider that a panel has 1 or 2 sessions (maximum 3), with 3–5 communications per session.

- After completing the evaluation process, the panel coordinators must use the review fields on the platform to select: a) approved communications; b) communications suitable for reallocation to other panels, preferably specifying the appropriate panel; c) rejected communications.

- Once evaluation is complete, await the Scientific Committee's review.

- After author confirmation, the panel coordinators should then organize the panel schedule, including presentation order, time allocation (in line with the general congress guidelines for time per panel), nomination of discussants (if applicable), etc. They should also inform authors about audiovisual and IT resources available for presentations.

Congress Registration Fee

All participants (authors, co-authors, coordinators, co-coordinators, moderators, discussants, etc.) are required to pay a registration fee, regardless of their role in the congress. The registration categories, along with their fees and deadlines, are available on the congress website.

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