The Call for Workshops welcomes proposals of an artistic, cultural, or non-strictly academic nature to be included in the IX APA Congress. It is aimed at proposals that do not fit into the panel format and seek to provide a different type of interaction beyond the oral presentation of academic research. This includes activities or showcases of collective projects, performances, workshops, and other free-form exchanges.
All proposals must list the practical requirements of the workshop: specifications for the necessary space, any materials needed, maximum number of participants, etc., so that the congress organisers can assess the feasibility of its implementation. The APA and the IPVC will only be responsible for providing a space for the workshop and for offering institutional support for the initiative.
Following evaluation by the Organising Committee, the workshops will be integrated into the congress programme at the same level as the panels, and their organisers and participants will be entitled to an official certificate.
A Workshop is seen as an activity organised internally in accordance with the criteria of the respective coordinators, in terms of the number of participants and papers presented. A workshop can have one 2-hour session or two 2-hour sessions (maximum). In addition to the coordinators and any additional participants in the workshop, it must be able to accommodate congress participants interested in attending, respecting the available space and seating limits.
Proposals are submitted using the workshop submission form. Proposals sent by email will not be considered.
Proposals must contain the following information:
> Name(s)/proposer(s), institutional affiliation and email address; Workshop title; abstract (max. 200 words).
> Applicants must then fill in the details of the papers that will make up the workshop on the form:
- Any additional participants; affiliation; if applicable: title of the respective presentation/work/activity and its synopsis.
- Each proposal that will be part of the workshop must indicate the necessary means - audiovisual, IT, logistical - for its execution.
- Proposals can be written in Portuguese (PT), Spanish (ES) or English (EN); and must indicate the working language of the workshop (preferential and not exclusive), should it be approved.
- A proposer cannot be the coordinator of two congress activities, be they panels, round tables or workshops; they can, however, be the coordinator of one activity and co-coordinator of another; they can also be the proposer of an exhibition and/or a book launch in addition to the other activities they are associated with.
- Each congress participant may only present one paper as first author, but may co-author other papers and may also present a paper/participate in a workshop. The congress organisers will try to avoid overlapping schedules, but cannot guarantee that this will be possible. In the event of an overlap, the applicant must prioritise presence on the panel where he/she is presenting the paper as first author.
- Workshop coordinators and authors/participants pay the same registration fee as everyone else. Their names will appear in the digital book of abstracts, they will have access to all congress activities that are not subject to additional payment and they will be entitled to a digital certificate.
– If applicable, during the period reserved for submitting workshop proposals, you can collect all the participations that will make up the session and check that they correspond to the format.
– The projects presented or activities proposed can be authored by one team or by different authors. There is no limit on the number of participants.
– After submitting the form, you should wait for the Organising Committee's assessment and only then communicate the results to any additional participants.
– You should alert any additional participants to the need to meet the congress registration and payment deadlines, remembering that failure to do so may result in non-inclusion in the workshop programme.
– Based on the list of confirmed participants, the coordinator should finalise the programme of the workshop, in particular the possible order of participation, the distribution of time and, if applicable, the appointment of a moderator; should also ask the participants to specify any additional audiovisual, computer or other resources needed to present their proposals.
All coordinators, co-coordinators, participants, chairs and discussants are subject to a congress registration fee. The registration categories with fees and deadlines are available on the congress website. Payment of the registration fee ensures the inclusion of data about the author and the work in the digital book of abstracts, as well as granting access to all the activities in the main congress programme.
Call for Exhibitions and Workshops
30/12/2024 to 10/02/2025 (Monday)
Evaluation of proposals by the Organising Committee
11/02/2025 to 28/02/2025 (Friday)
Announcement of the list of accepted Exhibitions and Workshops
Until 03/03/2025 (Monday)
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